At Lake Tahoe
The JFO Camp Program
The camp day – which seeks a rhythm and flow of harmony and peace with each part of the program – Morning Meditation, Morning Singing, Morning Talk, Rhythms, Creatives, Horizontal Hour & Free Time, Prayer Groups, Evening Singing, Evening Talk, Peace Prayer and Afterglow.
Morning Meditation
The day begins with listening to God during a period of meditation, led by one of the campers, in which we quietly prepare ourselves for the spiritual adventures of the day ahead.
Morning Singing
Music is an important part of the daily program. We sing for joy! We sing for fun! We sing to set the tone for the morning talk.
Morning Talk
The speaking leaders provide us with mental stimulation and spiritual food for thought. They do not preach to us, but rather, share their experience of how God is working in their lives. Whether a layperson or an ordained minister, the speaking leader is primarily a camper, chosen to serve in this special way.
This activity combines movement and music in an uninhibited, child-like giving of our selves in praise, coming into balance of body, mind, and spirit.
JFO gives us the experience of the love of God and the opportunity to express our love for God and Jesus through the many ways provided by the camp program. A JFO camp is centered in prayer and dedicated to the extension of God’s love to every camper in attendance.
JFO camps provide the opportunity to practice balance spiritually, mentally, and physically. The camps foster
Creatives provides opportunity for release and self-discovery. It begins in brief meditation and prayer, then moves into playful use of art, writing, or other techniques of self-expression. At the conclusion of this time, if they so desire, campers may share the fruits of their creativity, which often is very meaningful to others.
Horizontal Hour & Free Time
An hour long post-lunch nap, or quiet time, is an important ingredient in our day. Re-charging our batteries is essential. Arising refreshed we have two hours to use in whatever manner we choose, with others or by oneself. Many use this time to experience the wonders of nature in which our camp is held.
Prayer Groups
Prayer is the foundation of the Journey Farthest Out camp, the center of the camp around which all other activities revolve. The purpose of our prayer groups is to experience God’s loving presence and to seek and expect the fruits of prayer – receiving, accepting, using, applying, living and sharing the answers to prayer. Usually, we have “traditional” and
fellowship with others who are seeking and finding God. Through the program we discover our true selves through a centering in Christ. We learn to pray with others and by ourselves and discover the power of prayer. We live in the community of God’s love, here and now, and find inner peace. We explore and share our experience of God’s presence in our lives through the prayer laboratory envisioned by Glenn Clark. We believe in the power of shared prayer for healing and peace.
Prayer is at the core of the JFO experience. Prayer can be silent or spoken, as an individual or in a group. God truly answers prayer, so we take our concerns to God in faith and expectancy. God truly answers prayer, so we take our concerns to God in faith and expectancy.
Whether one has attended a past camp or not, JFOers are certain that camp will provide food for thought, growth for souls, and a marvelous experience in Kingdom living. Privacy is respected, oneness in spirit is encouraged, and sharing is abundant.
A JFO camp is not a church, although campers are urged to be involved in a spiritual fellowship of their choice. Hopefully, the JFO experience will expand and intensify the camper’s own spiritual activity. Journey Farthest Out is not an organization, but it is organic – it is a living, growing organism with the goal of growing the spiritual relationship of campers with the God of their understanding.
9:00 pm – Peace Prayer
Each night we focus on being instruments of peace in a troubled world. Whatever spiritual growth or transformation we experience at camp becomes the means by which we create peace in our own arena and beyond.
One of the great rewards of a JFO camp is friendship and social exchange with like minded people. The mutual acceptance and the non-judgmental relationships that are engendered in this warm atmosphere of God’s love are unequalled anywhere in today’s world, and friendships formed in camp are often for a lifetime.
Quiet Time
Down time so that we will be up tomorrow!
Our Story
Links to The Other JFO Camps:
“contemplative” groups. Some groups are small in number and focus on intercessory prayer. Some groups are large, offering the opportunity to experience prayer through such activities as walking a labyrinth or communal drumming. Each prayer group maintains strict confidentiality of all that is shared within it.
Evening Singing
Evening Singing brings us back together as a whole camp and sets the tone for the evening talk.
Evening Talk
A speaking leader continues his or her in-depth sharing of their relationship with God, in the process challenging each camper to reflect upon their own life with God. Food for thought provides the gist for our spiritual mill.
Copyright © Autumn JFO. All rights reserved.
Site Administrator: Johnann Johnson,